Sweet Adelines Int'l
Sweet Adeline's Int'l: sweetadelines.com |
Region 12
Pacific Shores Region 12 : www.sairegion12.org/ There are 23 Choruses in the Region. |
Bay Area Showcase Chorus:
www.singharmony.org/ |
Bella Accapella Harmony Chorus:
bellaacappella.com/ |
California Heat Chorus:
www.CaliforniaHEATchorus.com |
Diablo Vista Chorus:
www.diablovistachorus.com/ |
Greater Eugene Chorus:
www.thegreatereugenechorus.org |
Harmony Fusion Chorus:
www.harmonyfusion.org |
High Desert Harmony Chorus:
www.highdesertharmony.net/ |
Mendo Lake Chorus:
mendolakesingers.wixsite.com/mendolake |
Mission Valley Chorus:
www.missionvalley.org |
Na Leo Lani Chorus:
www.naleolani.org/ |
Northern Gateway Chorus:
www.northerngatewaychorus.org |
Oregon Spirit Chapter:
www.oregonspirit.org |
Pacific Empire Chorus:
www.pacificempire.org |
River Lights Chorus:
www.riverlightschorus.com |
San Francisco Soundwave Chorus:
www.sfsoundwave.net |
Seabreeze Harmony Chorus:
www.seabreezeharmony.org |
Sierra Gold Chorus:
www.sierragoldchorus.org |
Song of Sonoma Chorus:
www.songofsonoma.org |
Sounds Of The Valley Chorus:
www.soundsofthevalley.org |
Southern Oregon Sound Chorus:
www.southernoregonsoundchorus.com/ |
Links to women's groups
Melodeers Chorus:
https://youtu.be/0rl2R1q2P18 Note the dynamics and the precision |
North Metro Chorus:
https://youtu.be/SNEAeijuY_Y Maintaining rhythm and tempo |
Pearls Of The Sound:
https://youtu.be/WPYvYcKnvhI Somewhere Over The Rainbow - 4:25 Note the wonderful ethereal feeling |
Ronninge Show Chorus:
https://youtu.be/-aZjHyGINNs Note the freedom and confidence |
Scottsdale Chorus:
https://youtu.be/yqH1TyLIqeU There's energy, faces and movement going on here. |
Skyline Chorus:
https://youtu.be/9GoIS_3exJc Somewhere Over The Rainbow Tell the story with terrific facial expressions |
Sacramento Valley Chorus:
https://youtu.be/h_HsIEFVTY8 Then and now......... Keep watching for what's to come next |
Barbershop Harmony Society
Barbershop Harmony Society - Winning Choruses:
www.barbershop.org/competitions/international-champions/chorus-champions/ |
Voices of California (VoCal):
https://www.voicesofcalifornia.org/ |
Barbershop Harmony Society - Winning Quartets:
https://www.youtube.com/user/BarbershopHarmony38 a Collection of International award winning Quartets from BHS |