R12 - Winter SongFest - Sacramento Valley Chorus

Sat, Jan 25 2025

Original event on the Region12 website: https://www.sairegion12.org/dbpage.php?pg=view&dbase=events&id=239645

Event Details

Venue: Concord Hilton
  See map below
Ticket pricing/options: $25
Tickets: Book now
Description: R12 - Winter SongFest
Happy December, Region 12! 

2nd annual Winter SongFest 2025 is coming up on Saturday, January 25th and will be held at the Concord Hilton Hotel in Concord, California. This will be an all-day event. 

Patty Pennycook and Barb Vander Putten
will be our directors for the event. Mark your calendars and prepare for a day of learning, singing and fun! 

With a song,  

Alison Miller
Education Coordinator 
Sweet Adelines Region 12



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